Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Few Actual Truths About Racism

An incredibly, incredibly confused person sent out a bulletin earlier today that I had to respond to. I've gotten one or two of these things before, but my response has been to delete the "friend" and try to damp down the sickening feeling that arose from reading their "thoughts." This time I had to protest. I had to take a stand over sheer, thoughtless ignorance. Because the people passing this hideous thing around are Christian parents raising children. They need to know that they are WRONG and since their pastor is evidently not getting through to them in church on Sunday, I'm going to attempt some tough love myself.

The title of the bulletin I received was "This may offend some, but it's the truth." I'm going to take issue with the very title in that it WILL offend MOST, and it's absolutely NOT the truth. I cannot reprint the entire thing here as it turns my stomach and makes me want to forget all about my optimism, but I'm taking excerpts about those "truths" and showing the fallacy for what it is. Here we go. The words in black are NOT mine. Pay attention, please.

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans,
Native Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.

Kinda stupid already. The actual "Americans" ARE the Native Americans. Our European ancestors are the ones who shoved their way in here and forced out the natives. And has the writer never heard the term "European American" or another term known widely as "Caucasian?"

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman,"...And that's OK.

I'm whiter than paper. Whiter than flour, even. But I've never, ever had these terms applied to me, even in jest. Even by drunks. So I'm guessing the color of the boy's skin wasn't the reason he was being called names in the first place. As for it being OK? Um, not it's not. Name calling is stupid and childish for any reason, but name calling in order to denigrate a person by race is, indeed, racist and NOT okay. Didn't your mamma ever teach you that?

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most
dangerous places to live?

Interesting to note, in the list of the 25 most dangerous cities in the country, 20 of them are in the region designated as the south. Mississippi, Louisianna, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Texas....Though I'm sure no one can deny the terror of the ghettos of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Apparently, if you want to be safe you must live in the midwest or the northeast. Or Wisconsin. (Sidebar here while I crack up about Fargo being twenty-five in the "safest" column. Watch out for those mulchers!!!)

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Hispanic History Month. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Asian History Month. You have Black History Month.
You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Kawanza. You have the NAACP. And you have BET.

That entire paragraph skeeves me out. The United Negro College Fund came into existence in 1943, long after whites had been going to college (Harvard, the first college in the US opened in 1638 and it only took six years before a scholarship fund appeared there when it became obvious that poor people can get ahead easier if they are given some help. Now, I didn't look it up, but I'm going to assume here that black people were not permitted to enter Harvard in the sixteen hundreds. It might be, just maybe, that white people have had some breaks for four hundred years. And someone is complaining because blacks have had a college scholarship for sixty-four years? Really?

The other attacks in the above paragraph of vitriole are equally ridiculous. Presidents's Day celebrates 43 white men in one day! Columbus Day, unless you want to argue that he is Italian and does not count regardless of having found the damn country for us. I'm betting there were more than a few white Puritans having Thanksgiving dinner with Squanto. Valentine, a Roman martyr. And what about Easter and Christmas? Perhaps we should no longer celebrate those holidays as they do originally hail from the Middle East and since Jesus wasn't really what you'd call a white guy.

There are over 60 openly-proclaimed Black-only Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White-only Colleges" ...THAT would be a racist college.

There is no such thing as a Black-Only College. There are 114 Historically Black Colleges (I attended one myself) but those schools do not prohibit other races from entering. And up until 1964, ALL other colleges in the US, WERE white-only colleges. Three hundred and twenty-six years of white-only colleges in this country. Is there a way you can look at that fact and NOT call that racism?

The negativity continues in a diatribe against the Million Man march, the anger that white people are not supposed to show pride in their culture, and on and on, ending with this line:

Why is it that only whites can be racists?

I suppose, again, that this question stems from the writer's inability to look up facts, to suss out the actual arguments in his statements. Perhaps if he did so, he would find his world view shattered as his illusions about "inequality" and the poor, unfairly treated white man crumbled around him.

There is nothing to be prideful about in defending statements (ahem, lies) such as those listed above. Anyone professing Christianity should be sorely, sorely ashamed if those remarks reflect their own beliefs, and should go spend some quiet time in the New Testament re-learning their Beattitudes.

For now, this is all I can manage on this topic. It's taken a good chunk of my evening, fact-checking so as not to be as dumb as the original writer and then the constant "forwarders" of that nonsense, but I feel cleaner now. Fresher and a little more hopeful that someday these people will realize how petty and small their viewpoint is. How they are suffocating themselves into a tiny cloistered little world of anger. How a person can never rise up while he is shoving someone else down.

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