Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Broken RIGHT Hand

So yesterday I got a call from the guy at Lowe's who is going to deliver my new washing machine. It isn't due to arrive at the store for two weeks and he's sorry. He hopes he hasn't ruined my day.

I laugh and briefly tell him how I spent the morning going from the orthopedic doctor (in Wake Forest) to the orthopedic therapist (downtown Raleigh) to have my son's right hand put in a splint. That as soon as I arrived home I had a visit from the insurance adjustor to finally write me an estimate for the damages I had done to our car a few weeks back (a few blog posts down....) and how HE, the Lowe's delivery guy, was the least of my problems. It made him laugh, anyway.

It really has been quite a week. Kevin broke his hand last Friday. The first day in five years I have a job outside the house to go to and he calls as I'm walking out the door to tell me he's broken his hand. I picked him up from school, took him to work with me, and then later to the ER. Well, his fingers all moved and he could make a fist. Who knew he had a broken hand? The ER doc was even surprised.

Oh, and if you ask Kevin how he broke his hand (his RIGHT hand, of course) he's likely to tell you it was due to kung-fu. It was actually due to him drumming his hands on a metal bench and his right hand banging just right on the edge of the bench. A horrible percussion accident. Which makes me laugh and he groans every time someone asks him what happened to his hand.

So, to sum up, I have a kid with a broken hand, a car that needs a week to ten days of body work, a broken washing machine with no hopes of a new one for two more weeks, and a husband who had no work at all this week. I'm going insane.

Maybe this is why I'm not sleeping again

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