Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Nerves of Steel

So you all know I'm a writer. I have books piling up by the year and have been actively agent shopping. Which is tough, you know, with all the rejections you're naturally going to receive. I now believe this is the reason I dated so very, very many people in my younger years: rejection preparation. It worked too! I get these form letters in the mail saying, "Sorry, don't think so," and I move right on to the next on the list and keep plugging away on my daily word count for the works in progress.

Exciting isn't it? I know, keep reading.

On June the 9th I have an actual face to face appointment to pitch with the next agent on my list. I'm scared out of my mind but excited, nonetheless. It's been arranged by my local RWA chapter (Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, if you'd like to know!) and I got my first choice of the agents who were going to be there.

What I'd like from you, my readers, is advice or warnings from those of you who have done this, support from anyone who hasn't, and prayers and happy thoughts uplifted daily from you all! I'll have roughly eight minutes with her and I need to wow this woman with my charm, wit, and wonderful characters and plot.


In further news, I'm off to pick up a bicycle I found on craigslist yesterday. I haven't ridden a bike in several years and the last time I did, I crashed it through a bush and into a fence. Snort. I'm not the very most coordinated of people. Wish me luck that it's cute and that I don't fall down!

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